Article of the Week! Let's talk about Sleep and Health!
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Article of the Week!
Your sleep affects not only your mood but your health. Without the proper sleep, you can develop many health issues and not just the obvious ones. Read more here!
Excessive Sleepiness What is it? Excessive sleepiness is feeling very tired or drowsy during the day. It is often confused with fatigue, but they are different struggles. Excessive Sleepiness vs Fatigue Fatigue is dealing with low energy. You can be physically, mentally, or emotionally fatigued. This is usually a result of either a medical condition or overusing your body or mind. Excessive Sleepiness makes you feel so tired that it ends up interfering with your daily life. Excessive sleepiness is often a sign you may have a sleep disorder that is keeping you from getting the sleep you need to function. Treatment Since excessive sleepiness is not actually a condition, but a symptom, the best way to treat it is by determining the cause. If being excessively sleepy is keeping you from daily tasks and affecting your work, relationship, or what you need to get done, call to schedule your visit with Dr. Bhat (...
Effects of Missing Sleep When you miss out on a good night's sleep there are some serious effects on you that could be affecting your relationship! Sleep deprivation causes physical appearance changes and can result in you looking less healthy and even less attractive to your partner. Your sense of humor goes right out the window. Sleep directly affects how you're feeling. You will feel more distant, less secure, and have less positive input into your relationship. Arguments are more common and full of negativity when one of you is lacking on sleep. You're more impulsive and more likely to make rash decisions when tired. Your physical performance can be severely affected by poor sleep. All of these can be taking a toll on your relationship! If you are suddenly feeling annoyed with your partner, have a low sex drive, and feel yourself snapping a lot take a look at how much sleep you are getting. If your partner seems ...
MEET DR. BHAT Dr Abid Bhat has been in the practice of Sleep Medicine for over 10 years. He has provided medical care to people with various sleep disorders, including insomnia (difficulty falling sleep or staying sleep), sleep apnea (a person snores loud and stops breathing in sleep), parasomnia (sleep walking), restless legs syndrome (urge to move legs while trying to fall sleep) and a number of other related conditions. Millions of Americans continue to suffer from sleep disruption but, unfortunately, majority of them are undiagnosed. Sleep is quintessential in preventing chronic ailments like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Dr Bhat’s passion is to present sleep as THE essential ingredient to maintain a positive state of health and well-being by combining Western medicine and Holistic Medicine. Dr Abid Bhat did his fellowship in Sleep Medicine from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He also earned a Mast...
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